Well, first and foremost is writing.
Those of you who know me know that I'm a poet and playwright. I've worked with kids in schools, taught, published, performed, done fellowships, etc, etc. But up till now, I've had to do all this while also working a full time job and while also juggling any number of side projects, volunteering, etc.

Me with some of my fellow Palabristas, a collective of Latino poets in Minnesota.
So in essence, this time will be a sabbatical for me. It will be the perfect opportunity to get down numerous ideas I have had for a long time, as well as a time to refuel, recharge, and see what new ideas pop up.

I have had this book for years, "A Poetics of Resistance: Women Writing in El Salvador, South Africa, and the United States" by Mary K. DeShazer. It is one of the very few books I brought with me. I mean, could there be a more perfect book for me right now? I think it's going to come in very handy as reference and inspiration.
Actually this blog is a good first step, as consistency has never been a strong suit of mine as a writer. Although my creative writing is ... very different from my writing on this blog, which is just whatever random ramlings pop into my head. My poems, plays, etc. are ... well, they're dark. That's just what seems to come out. Pretty intense stuff, generally.I'm excited about what I'll create here, I mean, there'll be no shortage of intense topics to explore. South Africa actually reminds me a lot of El Salvador: A country still healing from a long history of violence and repression. A country plagued by the legacy of colonialism: racism, poverty, privilege and terrible inequity.

Inside this unassuming little secondhand shop, I found even more inspiration! They had a great selection of South African literature, poetry & drama. I got 4 books: "Oral Poetry from Africa: An Anthology," compiled by Jack Mapanje and Landeg White; a book of poetry, "Emergency Poems" (great title, no?) by Keith Gottschalk; and two plays, "Boesman and Lena" by Athol Fugard and "Exile" by Archie Crail.
So, yeah, the writing is goal #1 for me.
Then there are my other goals. For example, I want to revel in my love of food and cooking. I specifically want to cook more Salvadoran food -- which I love, but for some reason don't ever seem to cook at home in MN. I want to discover South African favorites and make messes and finally tackle baking my own bread!

A Salvadoran cookbook I brought with me -- we've already made 2 recipes from it. Very good too!
I want to take good care of myself. The previous 3 years have been hard ones -- two deaths in my immediate family, lots of work, no vacations, and lots of other stressors ... So I want to take advantage of this incredible opportunity I have before me and rest and exercise and maybe even do things I've always wanted to take up more seriously: flamenco? yoga? karate?
Plus, I'd also really like to volunteer while I'm here. There are so many great organizations I'm discovering ... I think it will be an important way to connect and contribute to the communities around me.
So there you go, that's the answer to "what the heck will you be doing?" All this, of course, while exploring South Africa and meeting its amazing people ...
Oh, and PS, lest you think I fully don't appreciate this opportunity, please know that all this didn't come easily -- as the three jobs I was juggling last year will attest to!
Sounds like this is the most absolutely perfect gift for you - time to heal, discover, create, and love. I'm so thankful for the chance to share in your journey through this blog.