A teeny plastic pirate, of course!

A little dish my mother-in-law got for me in Provence where I keep jewelry, spare change, etc.

This devilish rubber ducky watches us sternly as we work at the desk ...

A couple of my favorite fridge magnets, that caricature one was made by yours truly, plus one of my favorite pictures from our wedding and a watercolor rendition of our three cats at home (it started as a joke, but then I kinda loved it), again, made by yours truly.

A Bon Voyage card from my cousin and his little art students.

And of course, Lord and Master of it all as he guards our home from on-high (a.k.a the top of the TV), Mr. Red Plastic Buddha.
Namaste y'all! And as they say, be it ever so humble, or cheesy, or plastic-pirate-filled, there's no place like home.
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