Yes, indeed, 6 years ago we did solemnly vow to wash each other's socks, hold our tongues when we know our dearly beloved is sadly deluded and cannot bear to hear it, and other glorious marital duties!
Heeeee! No really, this dude is my favorite person in the world. He's a maniacal goof and I'm a crazy kook and it's all good in the hood.
I was most happy to be celebrating it, not just in a beautiful place, but also -- TOGETHER! Because of Aaron's work, namely his archaeological digs, we've only celebrated 2 -- or 3?, can't remember now -- of our anniversaries together. So it was really lovely.
We celebrated much like we celebrate all "big" days (Valentine's B-days, etc.) by making a really special meal at home.
We made roasted Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic:

Some very simple Roasted Potatoes:

Crunchy-on-the-outside, soft-and-scrumptious on the inside.
Salad with Watercress, Rocket, Roasted Beets and Avocado:

And finally, the absolute crowning jewel of the meal, homemade bread:

This was my first time making it, but it won't be the last my darlings! It might look a little misshapen, but it was amazing -- like a true "peasant boule."
But this recipe is SO easy -- it is the famous no-knead bread recipe from the New York Times. It requires a cast-iron (or other very heavy duty pot) and I've been wanting one forever, and that's what my hunny got me for our anniversary. He ain't no fool!
Oh, and we had lovely South African champagne, but I forgot, what with all the feasting, to take a picture or even write down the name ...
So there you go, that was our little anniversary celebration!

The meal looks great, Id' like the recipe please, Linne